Practical Assessments – Stages 1 to 3
1. Diagonal (Side) Cutters
2. Electrician’s / Linesman’s Pliers
3. Phillips Screwdrivers Number 1 and 2(optional)
4. Pozidrive Screwdrivers Number 1 and 2
5. Flat Blade Screwdrivers – 3mm – 8mm
6. Square Drive Tips 1 & 2
7. Set-Square / Spirit Level
8. Tape Measure(mini 3.5M)
9. Woodworkers Pencil
10. 12Volt Battery Drill & Spare Battery (Charged)
如要應付未來工作使用務必選擇18Volt Heavy Duty
11. Claw-Hammer 16oz / ± 500g
12. Tool Box
13. Tool Belt (recommended, but optional)
14. Wire Strippers
15. Crimp Tool (0.5 to 2.5mm² Crimps, optional)
16. Conduit Cutters
17. Multimeter
18. Insulation resistance tester
19. 4 step industry Ladder
重要事項 :最近移民局比較著重黑工問題,如隨身行李內有太多工具,可能會引致關員懷疑你入境目的是做黑工,可能會被拒入境。
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